Gun Engraving
In 2023 I was awarded a Queen Elizabeth Scholarship to further my engraving with training by Cartier award winning master engraver Karen Wallace. At the end of my scholarship I was offered a full time role in Karen’s workshop.
I have just finished my first gun a McKay Brown 410 side by side with carved quail plumage.
A selection of my sample plates in preparation for the next shotguns I shall be working on with particular focus on the Scottish scroll and Celtic Knotwork designs.
I am working on some of my own designs that are a little more feminine in comparison to the traditional guns.
Under my apprenticeship with Karen I have been fortunate enough to work on some amazing shotguns with her.
McKay Brown carved thistle round action, Scottish scroll round action and Celtic knotwork side lock.
All images shown here are before the guns are finished and colour hardened. Click arrows to see more.